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Responses to Questions Received on RFP

Last modified January 28, 2021


1. Do you have a suggested start date for the proposals? Proposals are due 2/16, and the RFP states that you hope to select an awardee roughly two weeks later. Might we expect contracting to take two weeks? A month? Or longer?
Time is of the essence to establish a site as early as possible for the 2021 ozone season starting May 1. NESCAUM can draft an agreement in basically a day for any successful proposal but we assume it will take longer for the project recipient to get through their own process, therefore the timing will likely depend on the successful proposer’s internal contracting process.
2. Would a letter of support (LOS) from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) be helpful?
A LOS from NYSDEC is not needed. NYSDEC staff will be participating in the review of proposals, and if agency staff submit an LOS for a proposal, NESCAUM will ask the NYSDEC reviewers to recuse themselves from reviewing those proposals.
3. Will DEC be able to supply clean canisters for the whole air samples?
Yes, up to 10/season
4. Can we get details and specifications on the trailer? These include but are not limited to – 1) what are the floor plan and elevation drawings of the inside of the trailer? 2) Is/are there instrument rack(s) for mounting analyzers? 3) Please confirm that there is an air conditioning unit for the trailer and provide its cooling capacity. 4) What are the specs on the trailer’s main breaker panel? What is the amperage rating of the main breaker? 5) etc.
  • 8' x 14' exterior nominal dimensions with internal ladder and hatch for roof access
  • Two 19" Equipment racks with sliding shelves
  • Main panel; 100 amps, 240/120 v, 1 phase
  • Air Conditioning (Industrial) 24,000 BTU
  • The roof has a waterproof membrane with rubber walk pads
  • There are railings and kick plates on all sides

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